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Disciplinary Complaints and Resources for the Public


纪律澳门赌场官网办公室(ODC)由哥伦比亚特区上诉法院设立,负责调查和起诉针对在哥伦比亚特区执业的澳门赌场官网的道德失当投诉 D.C. 职业行为准则 (RPC).

的 规则 describe a lawyer’s obligation to clients, 法院, and the general public in professional and private dealings. 这一程序的目的是通过惩戒违反道德规范的澳门赌场官网来保护公众. Our office cannot consider complaints against judges acting in a judicial capacity.

有关其他信息,请参见 宗旨及使命.

Can you represent me in court or give me legal advice?

的 纪律大澳门赌场官网办公室 cannot represent you, 给你任何法律建议, 或者改变法院判决的结果.

的 纪律大澳门赌场官网办公室 cannot refer you to an attorney. 你可以咨询D.C. 澳门赌场官网协会公益服务中心,通过拨打法律信息帮助热线202-626-3499获取有关法律代理的信息.


联系 D.C. 酒吧公益中心 if you are an individual living in poverty who is at risk of losing your home, 你的生活, 或者你的家人. 中心也提供帮助 small businesses and community-based nonprofits needing legal assistance.

我和我的澳门赌场官网出了点问题. 我该怎么办??

通过清楚地表达你的担忧,并要求得到回应,试着与你的澳门赌场官网解决问题.  Your attorney should clearly explain the fee agreement and scope of representation, 让你随时了解你的案子的进展, and respond to any reasonable requests you may have for information.

如果你觉得你的问题是你和澳门赌场官网之间沟通不畅或误解的结果, you should have an open talk with the attorney before you file a complaint.


D.C. 酒吧的 寻找会员 功能为我们能够与您分享的澳门赌场官网提供相同的公开可用的联系信息.  如果您仍然无法联系到您的澳门赌场官网,您可能需要向我们的办公室提出投诉.

Is my attorney licensed in the District of Columbia?

D.C. 酒吧的 寻找会员 功能可以搜索所有在哥伦比亚特区执业的澳门赌场官网.  如果一个澳门赌场官网没有被列为授权执业澳门赌场官网,并建议你关于D.C. 或在高等法院代表你,请联系纪律澳门赌场官网办公室.



Will the attorney know that I have filed a complaint?

如果我们决定你的投诉应被立案调查,因为它声称的事实, 如果这是真的, 会违反职业行为准则吗, your complaint will be forwarded to the attorney for a response.


如果你认为你的澳门赌场官网违反了 D.C. 职业行为准则, you should file a written complaint or complete and submit the 投诉表格 (signed and dated) to the 纪律大澳门赌场官网办公室 via mail or fax. 表格必须正确填写. 请连同投诉表格一并递交有关文件及资料,包括:

  • Copies of fee or retainer agreements or statements;
  • 信件副本, 传真, 电子邮件, and other correspondence that relates to the subject of the complaint;
  • 你所拥有的法律文件副本;
  • Copies of filings or statements received by you from the attorney; and
  • Copies of canceled checks or evidence of any payments made by you to the attorney.

If you do not provide facts and documentation that support your complaint, 它可能导致要求提供更多信息或驳回投诉.

You do not need to identify any rules you believe that the attorney has violated.  在一般情况下, 《澳门赌场官网》确保澳门赌场官网提供称职的代理, 保护客户的利益, 法相当, 并且诚实.




投诉应包含所有资料,以便纪律澳门赌场官网了解问题.  这应该包括你的联系方式, 澳门赌场官网的联系方式, 相关法庭案件的案件编号, and a description of the problem you are having with the attorney.  包括日期, 法律问题的性质, and specific information about what you think the attorney did wrong.  Provide as much facts and supporting documents as possible, 包括费用协议, 法庭文件, and letters or notes that you would like us to consider. 发送副本. 不寄正本文件.

What happens after I submit a complaint to the 纪律大澳门赌场官网办公室?

纪律顾问办公室将审查您的投诉,以确保其属于该办公室的管辖范围,并对其进行评估,以确定是否存在构成纪律调查基础的问题. If the complaint falls within the office’s jurisdiction, 它将被指派给一名澳门赌场官网进行初步调查或纪律调查. 指定的澳门赌场官网将通知您,他们是否正在进行初步调查或是否正在对您的投诉进行保密调查. You will be contacted if additional information is needed.

After the preliminary inquiry or disciplinary investigation is completed, you will receive by mail official notification of the disposition of your complaint. 投诉可以通过审查程序解决,其中包括以下其中一项:

  • 驳回申诉;
  • 实行私人纪律(分流协议);
  • 施加公共纪律(非正式训诫);
  • File formal disciplinary charges against the attorney. 当指控通过请愿书正式提出时, 纪律检察官办公室负责向听证委员会提出指控, 专业责任委员会, 最后是D.C. 上诉法院. 的 charging document and the attorney response are public and will be posted on the D.C. 酒吧的网站. 如果纪律包括暂停或取消资格,则必须由院长审查和批准.C. 上诉法院. 所有公共纪律都张贴在D区.C. 酒吧的网站.


No.  如果你对你的澳门赌场官网所采取的补救措施感到满意,你可以让我们知道, but Disciplinary Counsel is still obligated to investigate your complaint.


是的.  我们可能会联系你以获得进一步的信息, and you will be notified of the outcome of our investigation.

What are the different types of attorney discipline?


  1. 取消澳门赌场官网资格 澳门赌场官网的职业生涯. 澳门赌场官网被禁止从事法律工作至少5年,并且必须申请恢复澳门赌场官网资格,并证明其适合重新从事法律工作.
  2. 悬架 for an appropriate fixed period of time not to exceed three years. 的 length of time depends on the nature of the misconduct. 任何停职令均可包括要求澳门赌场官网提供康复证明作为复职的条件. 在没有这种要求的情况下, the attorney may resume practice at the end of the period of suspension.
  3. 谴责. 被允许继续从事法律工作的澳门赌场官网因不当行为而受到公开谴责,但仍被允许继续从事法律工作.
  4. 谴责. 澳门赌场官网因不当行为受到公开谴责,但获准继续执业.
  5. 非正式的警告. 该澳门赌场官网因行为不当而被纪律顾问写一封训诫信,但被允许继续执业.
  6. 撤销或中止 of a license to practice as a Special Legal Consultant.
  7. 缓刑. 法院施加的与不当行为有关的条件不超过三年. 缓刑 may be imposed in lieu of or in addition to any other disciplinary sanction. 试用的条件,应当在试用令中以书面形式说明. 订单还应说明是否, 到什么程度, the attorney shall be required to notify clients of the probation. 的 董事会 by rule shall establish procedures for the supervision of probation. 违反任何缓刑条件的澳门赌场官网将被撤销缓刑,并受到本款所列的任何其他纪律处分, but only to the extent stated in the order imposing probation.

Have other complaints been filed against my attorney?

你可以看看你的澳门赌场官网有没有 有纪律的.  纪律顾问不得披露是否有针对澳门赌场官网的投诉,除非这些投诉导致公共纪律处分.


No.  It may be more difficult to investigate a complaint after significant time has passed, 但向纪律顾问提出申诉没有诉讼时效.


Disciplinary Counsel has the authority to investigate complaints against attorneys.  如果我们认为澳门赌场官网违反了《澳门赌场官网》规定的义务, 我们可以设法约束澳门赌场官网.



  • 在任何诉讼中代表您
  • 给你法律建议 
  • 推荐澳门赌场官网
  • 停止其他法律程序
  • 收回的钱
  • 强迫澳门赌场官网做点什么

Can I call Disciplinary Counsel if I have a question?

是的.  所有的投诉都必须以书面形式提出, but if you have a question about the process or whether you should file a complaint, 请致电202-638-1501.


如果你对法律费用不满意, in addition to contacting our office you may file a fee dispute with the D.C. 酒吧的 澳门赌场官网/客户仲裁委员会.  If you have lost funds due to an attorney’s dishonest conduct, 你可以向税务局申请发还款项.C. 酒吧的 客户保障基金.

What if my attorney is licensed in another jurisdiction?

你可以联系类似的办事处 其他司法管辖区.


Disciplinary Counsel may not publicly disclose that the complaint has been filed. 的 D.C. 职业行为准则 要求纪律顾问将投诉视为保密事项,直到澳门赌场官网收到提出正式指控的请愿书或同意接受正式纪律处分为止.
